

Staircase icon

The staircase has several parts and they have a name. See and learn more about what a staircase consists of. Click or move your cursor over the info icons.

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Stairway materials

We make stairs from different materials. The most common materials are pine, oak, ash, birch and beech. Today, most stairs are made of a combination of materials, where the treads and handrails are made of one material and the stair construction of another. This combined solution gives the opportunity to create a variety of designs for the staircase and at the same time gives the opportunity to set the right price.








Box trees: Saddle
Steps: on top of a cheek tree
Top opening: 25x40 oval
Handrail: 40x80
Choice of material: pine, beech, oak
Finishing: wide choice of shades

Prices from
I - 2200€
L - 2500€
U - 2800€

Finishing: handmade, natural oils and paints
Poplars: killed
Spacing: open
Opening fence on the rail: 22mm round stick
Handrail: 40x80
Material: pine
Finishing: wide choice of shades

Prices from
I - 1890€
L - 2200€
U - 2500€

Poplars: killed
Steps: between the cheekbones with a pin
Opening fence on the perimeter: 22 round horizontal lines
Handrail: 40x80
Choice of material: pine, beech, oak
Finishing: wide choice of shades

Prices from
I - 2450€
L - 2500€
U - 2800€

Poplars: killed
Steps: between the cheekbones with a pin
Top opening: 25x40 oval
Boundary fence: 22mm round stick
Handrail: 40x80
Choice of material: pine, beech, oak
Finishing: wide choice of shades

Prices from
I - 1990€
L - 2300€
U - 2650€

Box trees: Staircase with central valley
Steps: on top of a cheek tree
Opening fence on the perimeter: 22 round horizontal lines
Handrail: 40x80
Choice of material: pine, beech, oak
Finishing: wide choice of shades

Prices from
I - 2600€
L - 2900€
U - 3200€

Poplars: killed
Steps: between the cheekbones with a pin
Top opening: 25x40 oval
Boundary fence: 22mm round stick
Handrail: 40x80
Choice of material: pine, beech, oak
Finishing: wide choice of shades

Prices from
I - 2500€
L - 2800€
U - 3000€

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